Interesting Palm Facts

Palms are incredible and unique plants. We believe that palms are at the top of the hierarchy in the plant kingdom. Here we present some interesting and little-known palm facts:

Fossil records date palms back nearly 80 million years (late Crustaceous Period).

There are 200+ genera and 2500+ species of palms worldwide.

The Andean wax palm (Ceroxylon quindiuense) is the tallest palm in the world at 200 feet.

The stem of the climbing rattan (Calamus manan) is the longest of any plant at 564 feet.

Syagrus lilliputiana is the smallest palm at 10-15 cm at maturity.

Leaves of the raffia palm (Raphia regalis) reach the length of 83 feet long, the largest in the plant kingdom.

Cocos de Mer (Lodoicea maldavica) has the largest seed in the world and can weigh 44 pounds.

The talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera) has the largest inflorescence (flower) in the world.

The life span of palms ranges from less than 20 years (Caryota palms) to 400 years (Chamaerops humillis).

Mature stem diameters can range from 1/5 of an inch (Chamaedorea tenella) to 5 feet Chilean wine palm (Jubaea chilensis).